
Automating Testing in a DevOps Environment

You’re still stuck doing manual testing? That’s a huge waste of time and resources. Automated testing in a DevOps environment is the way to go. Not only will it save you hours or even days of manual testing time, but it’ll also reduce costs and improve product quality. You’ll free up your team to focus on the good stuff – building and improving products. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and satisfy customers? So, what are you waiting for? There’s more to learn about how to make automation work for you, and where to go from here…

Key Takeaways

• Integrating automated tests with CI/CD pipelines streamlines the testing process, ensuring thorough vetting before production.• Calculate the total cost of ownership for automation tools and compare it to the cost of manual testing to measure ROI.• Automate high-value, high-risk tests first to maximise ROI, and focus on tests that add value to the testing process.• Decouple tests from local dependencies to make them pipeline-friendly, and address environment-specific dependencies that don’t translate to the pipeline environment.• Establish clear roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes for automation, and prioritise test automation early on to avoid accumulating test debt.

Benefits of Automated Testing

By automating testing, you’ll be kissing those tedious, soul-sucking manual testing sessions goodby, and hello to a world of increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved accuracy. It’s about time, right?

Think about it: manual testing is like watching paint dry – it’s slow, boring, and a complete waste of your time. And let’s not forget the errors, oh the errors! Human error, that is.

With automated testing, you’ll be freeing up your team to focus on the fun stuff, like actually building something.

Now, let’s talk turkey. The time savings from automated testing are undeniable.

You’ll be saving hours, even days, of manual testing time. That’s hours and days you can spend on more important things, like perfecting your coffee-to-code ratio or finally learning that new programing language you’ve been putting off.

And the business value? It’s a no-brainer. With automated testing, you’ll be reducing costs associated with manual testing, and increasing the overall quality of your product.

It’s a win-win. Your boss will luv you, your customers will thank you, and you’ll be the office hero.

Choosing the Right Automation Tools

Scouring the market for the perfect automation tool is like searching for a needle in a haystack, except the haystack is on fire and the needle is a liar who’s hiding from you. You’re not just looking for a tool that cheques all the boxes; you need one that fits your team’s unique needs and won’t drive you crazy in the process.

To make the search less painful, creating a tool evaluation framework that assesses each option against your automation roadmap is crucial. Here’s a sample framework to get you started:

Tool Features Pain Points
Selenium Supports multiple browsers, flexible scripting Steep learning curve, fragile tests
Appium Ideal for mobile automation, easy integration Slow test execution, limited support
Cypress Fast and reliable, built-in waiting mechanisms Limited support for non-web apps, expensive

When evaluating tools, consider factors like ease of use, scalability, and integration with your existing tech stack. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty with trials and PoCs to see which tool is the best fit. Remember, the goal is to find a tool that complements your team’s workflow, not one that becomes a constant source of frustration. By taking a structured approach to tool evaluation, you’ll be well on your way to creating an automation roadmap that drives real value for your organisation.

Test Automation Framework Options

You’re finally ready to pick the perfect test automation framework, and let’s be real, you’ve got a ton of options to sift through.

You’re probably wondering which ones are worth your time, and which ones will leave you pulling your hair out.

From Selenium and Appium to Cypress and Playwright, you’ve got some serious decisions to make, so buckle up and let’s get started!

Selenium and Appium

When it comes to automating tests for web and mobile applications, Selenium and Appium are the big guns you’ll be reaching for, so let’s get familiar with these test automation framework options.

You’re probably thinking, ‘Selenium, isn’t that just for web testing?’ And you’re right, it is! But it’s not just for web testing. With Selenium Grid, you can distribute your tests across multiple machines, making it a powerhouse for scalability.

And, with Mobile Emulation, you can test your web app on various mobile devices without actually needing those devices. Talk about efficient!

Appium, on the other hand, is the go-to for mobile app testing. It uses the same API as Selenium, so if you’re familiar with Selenium, you’ll feel right at home with Appium.

You can automate native, mobile web, and hybrid applications, making it a versatile tool in your testing arsenal.

Cypress and Playwright

Both Cypress and Playwright are the new kids on the test automation block, and they’re giving Selenium and Appium a run for their money.

You’re probably wondering what all the fuss is about, and honestly, it’s about time someone shook things up. These two newcomers are bringing some much-needed innovation to the table.

Cypress, for instance, is all about browser isolation, which means you can say goodby to those pesky browser collisions that always seem to happen at the worst possible moment.

And let’s be real, who hasn’t dealt with test flakiness? It’s like trying to tame a wild beast. But Cypress’s architecture is designed to minimise that flakiness, making your testing life so much easier.

Playwright, on the other hand, is all about speed and efficiency.

It’s built for the modern web and can handle even the most complex scenarios with ease. Plus, it’s got some serious DevOps cred, making it a great fit for your CI/CD pipeline.

Integrating Automation With Ci/Cd

Now that you’ve got your test automation framework in place, it’s time to take it to the next level by integrating it with your CI/CD pipeline.

You’re probably thinking, ‘CI/CD, isn’t that just a bunch of buzzwords?’

But trust us, integrating your automated tests with continuous integration pipelines can be a total game-changer for your workflow.

Continuous Integration Pipelines

You’re probably tyred of manually testing each code change, so let’s integrate automation with CI/CD pipelines to save yourself the agony.

It’s time to level up your testing game with continuous integration pipelines. These pipelines aren’t just a nice-to-have; they’re a must-have for efficient testing.

Think of CI pipelines as a well-oiled machine that streamlines your testing process. They automate the build, test, and deployment of your code, ensuring that each change is thoroughly vetted before reaching production.

But, how do you know if your pipeline is running smoothly? That’s where pipeline metrics come in. These metrics provide valuable insights into your pipeline’s performance, helping you identify bottlenecks and optimise your workflow.

Visualising your workflow is key to understanding the intricacies of your pipeline. Workflow visualisation tools give you a bird’s-eye view of your pipeline, allowing you to track code changes, identify roadblocks, and make data-driven decisions.

Automated Test Execution

How many hours of your life have been wasted manually running tests, only to realise that automation can save you from this tedious task?

You’re not alone – we’ve all been there. But now, it’s time to take a step forward and integrate automation into your CI/CD pipeline.

Automated test execution is the key to freeing up your time and reducing the risk of human error.

By automating your tests, you can verify that your Test Data is accurate and reliable, and that your Test Environments are consistently configured.

This means you can focus on more critical tasks, like writing better code and delivering higher-quality software.

With automated testing, you can catch bugs earlier, reducing the likelihood of downstream problems and saving yourself a whole lot of headache.

CI/CD Workflow Optimisation

Frequently, the biggest bottleneck in your software development lifecycle is the manual testing phase, and that’s exactly where integrating automation with your CI/CD pipeline can be a game-changer. By automating testing, you can speed up your pipeline and get your product to market faster. But, how do you optimise your CI/CD workflow to maximise the benefits of automation?

Workflow Optimisation Techniques Benefits Tools
Bottleneck Analysis Identify and eliminate roadblocks Value Stream Mapping, Swimlane Analysis
Workflow Visualisation Visualise and optimise workflows Graphite, New Relic
Automated Testing Reduce manual testing time Selenium, Appium
Continuous Monitoring Catch errors before deployment Prometheus, Grafana
Code Review Automation Improve code quality Codecov, Codefactor

Overcoming Automation Challenges

One major hurdle you’ll face when automating testing is the dreaded ‘works on my machine‘ syndrome, where your tests pass with flying colours locally, only to fail miserably in CI/CD pipelines.

This phenomenon is often a result of inadequate Automation Maturity, where your tests are tightly coupled with local dependencies that don’t translate to the pipeline environment.

To overcome this, you need to identify and tackle the root causes of these discrepancies. Start by reviewing your testing strategy and identifying areas where you can improve your Automation Maturity.

Are your tests overly reliant on local configurations? Are there environment-specific dependencies that need to be addressed? By addressing these questions, you can begin to decouple your tests from local dependencies and make them more pipeline-friendly.

But overcoming these challenges won’t be easy, and you’ll likely accumulate Test Debt along the way. Test Debt refers to the cost of not automating tests earlier, which can lead to a backlog of untested code.

To avoid this, prioritise test automation early on, and make it a continuous process. Remember, automating testing is a journey, not a destination.

Measuring Automation ROI Effectively

You’re probably wondering what’s the point of all this automation fuss if you can’t even put a dollar sign on it, right?

Well, fear not, friend, because measuring the ROI of automation is easier than you think. The key is to focus on the big-ticket items: cost savings and ROI benchmarks.

Let’s start with the cost savings. You’ve likely already saved a pretty penny by automating tedious manual tasks, but now it’s time to put a number to it. Calculate the total cost of ownership for your automation tools, including maintenance, updates, and training. Then, compare that to the cost of manual testing. The difference? That’s your cost savings, baby!

But what about ROI benchmarks? This is where things get interesting. You can use metrics like return on investment (ROI), payback period, and net present value to gauge the effectiveness of your automation efforts. For example, if you invested $10,000 in automation tools and saw a return of $20,000 in cost savings, that’s a 100% ROI. Not too shabby, right?

The point is, measuring automation ROI is all about setting clear goals, tracking progress, and crunching the numbers. By doing so, you’ll be able to prove the value of automation to your team, stakeholders, and even yourself. So, go ahead, put a dollar sign on that automation fuss – it’s about time you saw a return on your investment!

Best Practises for Automation

Now that you’ve got a handle on measuring automation ROI, it’s time to get down to business and actually automate like a pro. You’ve got the data, now it’s time to put it to use.

But before you dive headfirst into automation, take a step back and consider the bigger picture. You see, automation isn’t just about writing scripts and clicking buttons – it’s about creating a sustainable, scalable, and maintainable testing strategy.

To avoid the common pitfalls of automation, follow these best practises:

Define clear Automation Governance: Establish clear roles, responsibilities, and decision-making processes to confirm everyone’s on the same page.

Prioritise Test Maturity: Focus on automating high-value, high-risk tests first, and don’t bother with low-hanging fruit that won’t make a dent in your ROI.

Keep it Simple, Stupid (KISS): Don’t overcomplicate your automation strategy – keep it lean, mean, and easy to maintain.

Test Automation isn’t a One-Time Deal: Automate in small, incremental steps, and continuously refine and improve your strategy.

Don’t Automate for Automation’s Sake: Make sure you’re automating tests that actually add value to your testing process, and not just for the sake of saying you’re automating.


As you’ve navigated the twists and turns of automating testing in a DevOps environment, you’ve likely realised that it’s not a sprint, but a marathon – and one that requires a steady supply of caffeine and patience.

But trust us, the ROI is worth it.

So, buckle up, Buttercup, and get ready to reap the benefits of automated testing.

With the right tools and mindset, you’ll be sipping champagne and toasting to faster deployments in no time.

Contact us to discuss our services now!

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