DevOps Best Practises for Cloud Applications

You’re building a cloud application and want to avoid a hot mess? Start by automating your cloud infrastructure provisioning – it’s a total time-saver. Then, get continuous integration and testing on board to catch those pesky bugs. Don’t forget to monitor and log everything, so you can sleep at nite. And, of course, secure your cloud deployment practises – your customers will thank you. Finally, deploy continuously and gather feedback to make your app a user’s dream come true. Now, take the next step and discover the nitty-gritty of each of these best practises – your app (and users) will appreciate it.

Key Takeaways

• Automate cloud infrastructure provisioning to save time, reduce errors, and ensure consistency and accuracy.• Implement continuous integration and testing to detect bugs and errors before they cause harm.• Monitor and log application performance to identify trends, anomalies, and suspicious activity.• Follow secure cloud deployment practises, including data encryption, identity management, and role-based access control.• Adopt continuous deployment and feedback to automate deployment pipelines, collect user insights, and drive improvement.

Automating Cloud Infrastructure Provisioning

When you’re spinning up a new project, you’re probably tyred of wasting hours manually provisioning cloud infrastructure, only to realise you forgot to configure that one crucial setting, so let’s plunge into automating this tedious process once and for all.

Think about it – manually setting up cloud infrastructure is like playing a game of ‘cloud Jenga.’ You carefully construct your stack, but one wrong move, and the whole thing comes crashing down. And don’t even get me started on the time you’ll waste troubleshooting what went wrong.

That’s why automating cloud infrastructure provisioning is a total game-changer. With tools like Terraform, you can create reusable templates for your infrastructure, ensuring consistency and accuracy every time.

But what about when your app suddenly goes viral, and you need to scale up fast? That’s where dynamic scaling comes in. By automating your infrastructure provisioning, you can easily spin up or down to meet changing demands.

No more frantic scrambling to add servers or storage – just let your infrastructure adapt to your app’s needs in real-time. With automated provisioning, you can focus on what really matters: building a killer app that’ll change the world (or at least make your users very happy).

Continuous Integration and Testing

One tiny mistake in your code can bring down the entire operation, so it’s high time you got serious about continuous integration and testing – and that means way more than just clicking ‘merge’ and crossing your fingers.

Think of it this way: continuous integration is like having a code referee, making sure everyone’s changes play nice together. And testing? That’s like having a team of code detectives, sniffing out bugs and errors before they wreak havoc.

But, let’s get real, you’re not going to get it right without a solid strategy. Here’s a breakdown of what you should be doing:

Step What You Should Be Doing
Code Review Get a fresh set of eyes on that code to catch those pesky typos and logic fails
Test Automation Write tests that cover all the bases, so you can sleep at nite knowing your app won’t crash
Continuous Integration Automate the build, test, and deployment process, so you can focus on the fun stuff
Feedback Loop Get instant feedback on changes, so you can fix issues before they become disasters

Monitoring and Logging Strategies

You’ve got your code integrated and tested, but now it’s time to keep a hawk’s eye on its performance, because even the best-laid plans can go awry in production.

Monitoring and logging are vital to ensuring your application runs smoothly and identifying potential issues before they become catastrophic. Think of it as having a 24/7 watchdog that alerts you to any suspicious activity or performance dips.

Effective monitoring involves setting up Log Analytics to collect and analyse log data from your application. This allows you to identify trends, detect anomalies, and pinpoint areas for optimisation.

However, be careful not to fall into the trap of Alert Fatigue, where you’re bombarded with so many alerts that you start to tune them out. It’s vital to strike a balance between being informed and being overwhelmed.

To avoid Alert Fatigue, prioritise your alerts, and set clear thresholds for when to trigger notifications. This way, you’ll only receive alerts that require immediate attention, and you can focus on resolving issues before they escalate.

Secure Cloud Deployment Practises

As you migrate your application to the cloud, security can’t be an afterthought, lest you want to hand over the keys to your digital kingdom to malicious actors. You’ve worked too hard to build a robust application to let it fall prey to cyber threats.

So, what’s the first line of defence? Data encryption, of course! Encrypting your data both in transit and at rest guarantees that even if hackers breach your defences, they’ll only find gibberish.

But, encryption is just the beginning. You need to manage identities and access controls like a pro. Identity Management is vital in the cloud, where resources are ephemeral and scalability is key.

You must verify that only authorised personnel have access to your application and data. This means implementing role-based access control, multi-factor authentication, and regular audits to detect and respond to potential security breaches.

Don’t think that security is someone else’s problem. As a developer, you’re on the front lines of defence. By implementing secure cloud deployment practises, you’re not only protecting your application but also your customers’ trust.

Continuous Deployment and Feedback

Now that your app’s secure, it’s time to get it in front of users, and fast – after all, what’s the point of building something if nobody gets to use it? You’ve worked tirelessly to build a secure cloud application, but it’s not doing anyone any good sitting in a development environment.

It’s time to push it live and start getting feedback from real users.

This is where continuous deployment comes in. By automating your deployment pipelines, you can quickly and reliably get new features and updates in front of users.

No more manual deployments or tedious testing cycles – with continuous deployment, you can focus on building new features and letting the pipeline handle the rest.

But deployment is only half the battle. You need to know how users are interacting with your app, what they luv, and what they hate.

That’s where feedback loops come in. By building feedback mechanisms into your app, you can collect valuable insights from users and use them to inform future development.

This isn’t just about collecting data, it’s about creating a continuous cycle of improvement.

With continuous deployment and feedback loops, you can build an app that truly delights users and sets you apart from the competition.


You’ve made it to the finish line, and now you’re a DevOps rockstar, ready to tackle even the most complex cloud applications!

By automating infrastructure provisioning, streamlining CI/CD pipelines, and securing deployments, you’ll be saving time and sanity by the truckload.

And let’s be real, who needs sleep when you can have continuous deployment and feedback?

Contact us to discuss our services now!